Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But large ones- He felt a need for the pleasingly unexpected.
The other performances are all over the map, sometimes pleasingly so.
They were regular, in a pleasingly irregular kind of way.
The studios, on the other hand, have found it pleasingly generous.
The interior of the cottage was pleasingly cool and rather dark.
The quality of the orchestra's playing was also pleasingly and consistently high.
The effect is to make the front varied and pleasingly angled.
Pleasingly, he found nothing more than the usual memos and reports.
The series is pleasingly presented, with grace notes to spare.
This not only put out the fire, but produced a pleasingly pink stain about three feet across.
The shrimp was the best of the lot: the mustard gave it a pleasingly different taste.
The console bleeped at him pleasingly, but seemed to do nothing.
Clean, open, and pleasingly furnished, it won her over instantly.
And the format was pleasingly bizarre: There were to be public analyses.
It's a pleasingly simple control setup, allowing you to concentrate on the important things.
But the service is very professional, and the food is pleasingly straightforward.
The atmosphere was yet another surprise: warm and pleasingly humid.
The other plane, more pleasingly, had Jesus at the controls and was on the way to salvation.
But there's also a certain looseness to the music, which makes it seem slightly - and pleasingly - out of control.
Pleasingly organic compared to the majority of most modern, digital dance music.
The back wall in the second room is lined with wine racks, making a pleasingly stylish effect.
Children like the Saturday cartoons partly because they are pleasingly unreal.
But what was once criticized for being chaotic is now valued as pleasingly diverse.
The sound is big, warm and very intense - pleasingly plump if not a little overweight.
Not large, but plump with a lack of exercise, her face open and pleasingly defenseless.