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Above all, they made ornaments from the island's plenteous gold.
It also seemed to be wishing a safe and plenteous Christmas to you all.
His dinner arrived, a plenteous platter of food - but no plate.
It was plenteous activity that kept her slender as a young hind.
But there it was tempered by plenteous green life.
The empress had open roads and plenteous wagons to keep her supplied.
This plenteous bequest made him think of entering into matrimony.
The wonder of Britain is this plenteous nature.
Within the walls, plenteous pools of shade made life bearable, though it was far from cool.
Joy of the plenteous dinner, strong carouse and drinking?
To my mind, the meal was astonishingly plenteous.
Had but the vintage plenteous grown - But, ah!
Seine water, rushing plenteous by, will supply the deficiency.
Nevertheless the postwar period was the most plenteous for the still feeble modern Bulgarian poetry.
And calls the Raptures to her plenteous Face.
Here, well inland, the growth was thick, with plenteous underbrush, and he found two separate small streams making their way towards the river.
For with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.
Plenteous it rose and overflowed, like a dark yet clear molten gem, tumbling itself into the open world.
The jolly crew, unmindful of the past, The quarry share, their plenteous dinner haste.
A plenteous breakfast was supplied, consisting principally of fish, steaming potatoes, black bread, and very strong tea.
He welcomes his returning friends ashore With plenteous country cates and homely store.
Yet it is worth remembering that the ego, so uncharitably self-protective, includes memory and imagination, the plenteous sources of art.
"Carmina Burana" gives listeners fast food in plenteous amounts.
Rice was plenteous.
For a farmer to dream of showing his devotion to God, or to his family, denotes plenteous crops and peaceful neighbors.