Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
His boots clanged down on the top of the plenum chamber.
The air exiting from the "hot" areas passed through a single plenum chamber before leaving the building.
The fans pressurize the air in the plenum chamber underneath.
Steuben stood above him by the height of the jeep's plenum chamber.
A plenum chamber can also work as an acoustic silencer device.
It can't move if the plenum chamber can't hold air."
The hull sank slowly as the walls of the plenum chamber softened and collapsed.
Ned reversed his nacelles quickly and dumped the plenum chamber.
The second warhead had opened the plenum chamber like a ration packet.
They in turn raised the pressure in the plenum chamber high enough to support the vehicle's thirty tonnes on ground effect.
Ned stopped the Jeep by venting die plenum chamber while the fans continued to run.
The solution is to provide a large-volume plenum chamber between the inlet and the cylinders.
A rigid-walled plenum chamber enclosed the air cushion which supported the massive vehicle.
The photographer's clothing swelled in the draft blasting from beneath the plenum chamber.
Fans fill the plenum chamber, a solid-skirted box under a vehicle, with air under pressure.
Examples of plenum chambers include those used with:
It made a sharp sound that didn't echo the way pieces did when they rang on the cavernous steel plenum chamber.
Air spilled from the tilted plenum chamber.
He vented the plenum chamber and leaped out as the Jeep skidded to a halt.
The mixture of water and trapped air gurgled into the passenger compartment and down across the plenum chamber.
At the base of the ridge, air bleeding from the Jeep's plenum chamber made leaves hump and flail.
Antiprotons and water were squirted into a plenum chamber at a three-to-one mix ratio.
This Mach 2-capable platform retained plenum chamber burning previously designed for the P.1150.
One end of each manometer is connected to its respective plenum chamber while the other is open to the atmosphere.
The steel walls of the plenum chamber shrank down on her at once, even though she was awake and knew she lay in a clearing.