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It was an important lesson in the pliability of the international community.
The show brings out a woman's power of forgiveness and pliability.
The mummies moved themselves when they warmed up to pliability.
But given the pliability of Belgian political parties, no one was predicting what government might result.
He stretched his fingers, wiggled them to show their pliability.
Also check the quality and pliability of the cord or wire insulation.
A surge of yearning to feel them, taste their pliability with his own mouth, hit him hard.
What intrigues them about the material is its pliability.
They are dried under the sun for a day just to remove some of the water content but retaining its pliability.
All fibers except fiber rush can be soaked in water to increase pliability.
It is then kneaded in the artist's hands to product consistency and pliability.
Wrapping must be soaked and worked wet, and not just for pliability.
"I suppose our hoyden friend Roxanna is your idea of pliability!"
As a result, texture, substance, pliability and irregular edges become part of the finished piece.
Their pliability is reflected in their acquiescence to presidential will.
No other gives the wire the same pliability or elasticity, of course.'
This reduces the strength and pliability of the collagen.
This hair varies greatly in softness, pliability and color.
Haplo submitted to her in everything with easy, casual pliability.
The metal gold seemed to them to have no value other than its easy pliability in the manufacture of sacred artifacts and art objects.
When it cooled, it set to an almost perfect combination of strength and pliability.
Once vines are ready to be used, they can be soaked or boiled to increase pliability.
The process increases the pliability, stretchability, softness, and quality of the leather.
In time they might learn that when thoroughly dried it can be cooked to pliability again and eaten with some satisfaction.
With hindsight, what I had taken for gullibility, pliability, and excessive volunteering might have been something more.