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I'd rather stand off and plink if I have to fight at all.
He sent five men to plink arrows into the wash.
If the guy on the phone does come around, I can plink him legally now."
We used to drive into the country west of Boston, find some woods and plink away at bottles.
"I bought them for Joe to plink around with.
"I can just stand there and plink away," she said blissfully of her trips to the target range.
"Why don't you load up the 9, and you can plink away?"
Then, one of these days," Rosa made a flicking motion with her fingers, "plink!
He wants you to visit his rural spread and plink away to your heart's content - with anti-tank cannons.
Then he armed all three grenades, carefully letting the safeties plink off at the same instant.
Sleel would toss an empty stinger magazine into the air, then plink at it.
If we don't get any deer, we can always sit around and plink beer cans."
'Hell, shouldn't plink myself down there without a damned good reason.'
"I'm not saying we should buy carloads of it to practice or plink with, but as a duty round, this is the top of the line.
After making an exception to plink out a few bars of Tchaikovsky's favorite Mozart for a foreign visitor, the proprietors explained why.
Horns laugh, voices exhort and coo, keyboards plink and shimmy and hoot.
Banjos plink, fiddles sigh, dobros moan.
As banjos and mandolins plink amid eerie resonances, Mr. White contemplates the inexplicable.
Hearing his older sister Connie's piano lessons, Tao began to plink out children's songs on the piano, by ear, at the age of 18 months.
I mean some o this stuff is so gruesome it's radioactive, and you shouldn't plink yourself down in the fallout zone without a damned good reason.'
Guitars buzz in from overhead or work up to nervous tremolos, horn sections materialize out of nowhere, and pianos plink insistent dissonances.
As the set continued, the music grew more intricate, with the guitar adding kora-like lines and, eventually, the keyboards beginning to plink like balaphons (African marimbas).
Guitars slide and keyboards plink; bluesy funk is crosshatched with tinkling minimalist patterns, along with a hint of dissonance at unexpected moments.
He said it depended entirely on what I wanted it for: protection or sport shooting, frequent or occasional use, to kill an intruder or "plink" soup cans?