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There was a massive expansion of ploughland during the Song dynasty.
I never remember him but from when I was a child shooing the birds off the ploughland.
Glinisko is the name of a ploughland which exists to the present day.
"I was thinking of fences and irrigation ditches, and hard going over the ploughland."
The rich dark ploughland was beginning to show the first faint green shadow of growth, elusive and fragile as a veil.
The sparrows in the ploughland were crouching in terror of the kestrel.
It was sloping upwards, that ploughland, and the horses were over their fetlocks in the red, soft soil.
From the 1890s the spread of Budapest reached the village and the council sold out the ploughland for new suburbs.
There was a thriving mill, and the fields of the demesne were wide and green, the ploughland well tended.
It is especially serious on land bearing winter cereals, since the resulting ploughland can be exposed to the elements from October to April.
He was taxed on c120 acres (c50 hectares) of arable ploughland here.
The name may derive from butt, a strip of ploughland shorter than the average length of one furlong.
The enclosure turned the Broyle into the landscape of ploughland bisected by long straight roads that it still remains.
There, Gefjun encountered king Gylfi "and he gave her ploughland."
The previous and subsequent landowners were recorded in the Domesday Book Book along with the area of the ploughland.
This amounted to 36 carucates (ca5580 acres/1800ha) of ploughland.
"John le Ware holds one ploughland in Hulme by the service of 5s.
The landowner then was Ravenkeld who was taxed on 240 acres (100 hectares) of ploughland.
Ploughland: 19 ploughlands (land for).
The forest ceased quickly, and the earth under the trees became trenchy furrows and yet undivided lots of rye ploughland.
Beetham manor then amounted to 25 carucates (ca3000 acres/1250ha) of ploughland.
The areas of ploughland were counted in carucates: the land a farmer could mange throughout the year with a team of eight oxen.
To Nietzsche, she was the "the smartest person I ever knew," the perfect heir to his philosophy, "the best and most fruitful ploughland" for his ideas.
The village is recorded as containing ploughland for 2, 4 acres of meadow, 0.5 leagues of woodland, and 3 furlongs of mixed measures.
Fruit trees, olive trees, nut trees, gardens and ploughland, every flower in the field, every wild creature in the woods.
Along the fringes there were areas that could be used for either plowland or grassland.
The fields were soft with rain; she staggered when she hit the deeper mud of plowland.
A walled city of no more than eight or nine thousand, surrounded by plowland and orchards, it was bleak in winter.
Big Bone Valley would not become plowland so long as the aurochs' ghost walked it.
He was still looking at exactly the same place, but the buildings of Hedeby were no longer there, there were more trees, less plowland.
"See, we give each Bearkiller family a square mile, we jigger it so they've got a good mix of plowland, pasture, woods and such."
The right to take dead limbs in the common forest west of the community was valuable, prized as greatly as the freehold of a house and plowland.
I DON'T think we've done very well with all the plowland and forest and minerals and husky human stock we've had.
He came with Hanno and a small military escort out of the hills, onto a rolling plain where, here and there, wilderness yielded to plowland and pasture.
Tang of sea and kelp mingled with odors from plowland and common on the rider's left, and the woods which made a darkling wall beyond them.
"Consarn it," muttered the cunning man, crumbling the clod between his long, knobby fingers as he watched the animals disappear into the woods beyond his plowland.
The next day the valley along the river widened; Paks looked down gentler slopes to see plowland and the pink and white of fruit trees in bloom.
Yet logging pro- ceeded, year by year; plowland stretched outward, homes multi- plied; cultivation had tamed a sizeable arc of the lakeside.
In addition to the difficult track inland, (see Okhotsk Coast) the harbor was poor and the short growing season and lack of plowland meant that food had to be imported.
It went strong and fresh, scattering dawn-mists off plowland and sending waves through the green of pastures; it soughed in the branches overhead and whirled some already dying leaves off.
When they left the Vicarage, they had begun an argument which swung their feet along so rhythmically in time with it that they covered the ground at over four miles an hour, and saw nothing of the hedgerows, the swelling plowland, or the mild blue sky.
Old Nathan's plowland was across the creek; on the cabin side he pastured his two cows and Spanish King, the three of them now watching their master over the rail fence as their jaws ratcheted sideways and back to grind their food.
They had found that Clarence wore yellow silk underwear, and the M.M.'s from factory and plowland laughed--particularly one broad young inspector who was rumored to have a passionate friendship with a battalion-leader from Nashua who was fat, eyeglassed, and high-pitched of voice.