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"So you can boil clothes and plum duff, but that's about all!"
The place was named by sailors who ate plum duff for dinner each Sunday.
"Five shillings the month, meat three days in the week, plum duff on Sundays.
She used to make me a plum duff, the old currant duffs and anything like that my mother would make for us.
'Why, that was plum duff, a great favourite in the service.'
I been collectin' raisins from the plum duff.
Not when you are being paid a fortune to pander to every whim of a certified plum duff it isn't.
I wondered how they would take to steak and kidney pudding, oxtail soup, and plum duff.
You'll get plum duff in Luna City."
Laurence, pleasantly full of plum duff topped by several glasses of a fine Riesling, received the question tolerantly.
As working at Christmas becomes more common, Jill Phillip talks to those who will be doing more than sleeping off the turkey and plum duff.
Having sipped fine clarets and burgundies, they were now treating themselves to a rich plum duff, and a fair quantity of an excellent Marsala.
That night, there is a storm, in which Silver invites Mr. Arrow in to eat plum duff, a cake made with rum.
Self-heating tins of oxtail soup, steak and kidney pudding, followed by plum duff and, of course, the usual battle with the mosquitoes.
All talk stopped while Mrs. Williams brought John a cold mutton pie and a largish scoop of plum duff, with apologies that it wasn't something more.
Aunty Mary: she's got her frock on and there's hardly any top to it at all; it's a square neck and there they are like plum duffs sticking out.
It contained five recipes for soup, six for fish, thirty-four for meats, fowl, and eggs, and several for desserts, including "plum duff"."
He went through the crew mess hall, deserted now except for one plump petty officer who was hastily finishing his bowl of tapioca pudding with plum duff on the side.
He has collected nearly twenty Yankee dollars and various rings, knives and scrimshaw as his winnings and he will even play for the raisins from their next ration of plum duff.
British mail censors sometimes referred to microdots as "duff" since they were distributed here and there throughout letters rather like raisins in the British steamed suet pudding called "plum duff".
With Robyn plying his glass, he drank more than on any other night of the voyage, and when his steward served a good plum duff he called for a bottle of brandy to wash it down.
I've even lost my raisin wine, the result o' nearly seven months of saving the raisins from me plum duff, and winning them from the rations of the crew when they lost to me at cards.
He scraped together two spoons of raisins for each man's tea, five sticks of chocolate, and "a good fat hoosh, two-nd-half inches of plum duff, four caramels each and four squares of crystallized ginger."
From plum duff to blubber gaff, Frederick presents this unique industry as it really was - not a swashbuckling adventure at sea, but long years of boredom and bad food interrupted by short bursts of gore, grease and hair-raising danger.
Ruth follows its progress right to the dinner tables of a British Restaurant (or emergency food centre), as she serves the boiled pork, alongside boiled onions, baked beans and plum duff, for local air raid victims and evacuees.