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The other was of a man, plumpish and vaguely familiar.
She was a plumpish brunette with a small, good voice.
Then I remember seeing this plumpish girl, dressed in something dark moving towards me.
She was a plumpish woman, about ten years younger than her husband and still moderately pretty.
There would be great joy in cutting up Greta's plumpish body.
The plumpish woman sitting behind us took umbrage at the sermon.
Then there's a plumpish male type who looks as if he'd just stepped off a rainy city sidewalk.
He was square and plumpish and carried a tube of plans.
Her arms were plumpish, but more graceful than any Dish had ever Seen.
The door in the opposite wall opened for a plumpish, severely dressed woman of Adele's age.
She was short, young, and strikingly beautiful in a smooth-skinned, plumpish style.
His eye was caught by a plumpish middle-aged woman in a striking purple and white robe.
She tended to the plumpish side, fifteen pounds overweight, and it showed badly on her short body.
One of those plumpish men, puffy-faced as if continually, just barely, holding in his anger.
"She is rather plumpish - and her face cercamiy is very round.
It was the younger woman who looked up and spoke, a quietly pretty, plumpish girl wrapped in the furs of the hill people.
A full minute passed before the door was opened by a plumpish middle-aged maid in a starched green and white uniform.
A plumpish woman in her fifties was standing next to the mother, holding the child, wrapped in a blanket.
His short, plumpish figure always seemed unprotected and incomplete, as if he needed a shell to shrink into at the slightest touch.
At the end of the platform, a pallid, plumpish man stood saying to a crying woman, "That's how it's always been in this world.
Morellia are plumpish black flies, largely lacking eye hairs - sparse at most.
She is a few years older than Barnaby, a plumpish bank employee brimming with tact and tolerance.
Behind it stood a plumpish, pleasant-faced man.
The man was plumpish, a good-fellow type.
The woman sitting directly across from George, a plumpish redhead with startling violet eyes, said, "Listen.