How much do you know about the early age of air travel?
However, I do not see a problem for air travel.
As may be, this world does not have air travel.
You would have to provide your own air travel and hotel.
As to the safety of air travel, nothing is too much these days.
Air travel last year increased by 15 percent from 2000, according to a recent government report.
But the nation's air travel was far from back to normal.
Over all, air travel is no worse than even with last summer.
The rest is not broken down, but could include some air travel.
Air travel is growing 20 percent a year, twice the economic growth rate.
No one makes a plane trip to eat classic cuisine.
After the long plane trip, it feels good to lie down.
The report was written hurriedly on the plane trip back to Washington.
He was one of the 190 aides and journalists on the historic plane trip.
Once, on a plane trip, I became engaged in conversation with an executive of a labor union.
Try getting a job, obtaining health insurance, taking a plane trip.
And the prices were considerably lower, not counting the plane trip.
"Madeleine and I read that issue on our last plane trip together."
A concert or a plane trip was only a few hours away.
On the returning plane trip, he suffered a heart attack.