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Fallon can experience heavy fog in winter, known as pogonip.
In the northwestern United States, ice fog is known as pogonip.
The Pogonip also includes a former country club, with its golf courses and polo fields.
The Pogonip Clubhouse and the Roadhouse also have many similarities.
A pogonip is an American Indian term for an icy fog, needle sharp and considered bad for the lungs.
Pogonip is a city-run park and open space located adjacent to the University of California, Santa Cruz.
His Pogonip Clubhouse is on the National Register of Historic Places.
The name "pogonip" is descriptive of the characteristic, beard-like, ice crystal formations associated with this type of freezing fog.
The word pogonip is derived from the Shoshone word paγi nappi h, meaning cloud.
In Smoke Bellew Jack London described Pogonip which happened to the main characters, killing one of them.
In The Old Farmer's Almanac, in the calendar for December, the phrase "Beware the Pogonip" regularly appears.
The Eureka Quartzite appears as a relatively thin, nearly white band with the grayish Pogonip Group below and the almost black Ely Springs Dolomite above.
I carry little-known facts around in my head - the definition of a blue moon, when dog days begin, what a pogonip is, and the best times to cut your hair or castrate a bull.
Santa Cruz has five greenbelt districts, including Arana Gulch, Lighthouse Field, Moore Creek, Neary Lagoon, and Pogonip.
The few species known are from the upper Pogonip Limestone of Nevada, the Day Point Limestone of New York, and the "Orthoceras limestone" of the Baltic region of Europe.
The genotype is Adamsoceras isabelae from the upper Pogonip Group in Ikes canyon in the Toquima Range in Nevada, named and described by Rousseau H. Flower in 1957.
Several scenes from the 1987 film The Lost Boys were filmed at distinctive locations in Santa Cruz, including the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Pogonip club house and the Santa Cruz Wharf.
The genotype, Rhadiferoceras annuliferum Flower is known only from sectioning a limestone block, presumed to be of Cassinian age from the Pogonip Group from the northern end of the Ely Springs Range, Nevada.
The park is named after a type of freezing fog called pogonip, that forms beard-like ice crystal accumulations on almost any surface, but especially on the branches of trees and bushes, where the ice crystals form hanging structures with a distinctly beard-like appearance.
Other sites featuring old lime kilns and quarries can be seen in the Fall Creek Unit of Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Wilder Ranch State Park and Pogonip (a Santa Cruz greenbelt area).
But this was no ice fog, she added to herself.
The ice fog hung in the air as they walked through the town.
Ice fog became a problem for airplanes landing at the field.
There was a clear sky (except for some ice fog), and little wind.
Jenny saw the other Cat continuing into the ice fog.
It also was often hidden from view by thick ice fogs.
Still, bitterly cold, and treacherous, ice fog made all ways seem the same.
Ice fog often leads to the visual phenomenon of light pillars.
The lead vehicle had disappeared into the ice fog.
Three fleabags emerged the next morning, into a thick white ice fog.
Since this morning, the horizons had closed in around the station, socked by the ice fog.
She sights snowmobile tracks and follows them into an ice fog.
When temperature inversions arise in winter, heavy ice fog often results.
An ice fog of gesso descended upon the image.
But it doesn't look like an ice fog.
In the northwestern United States, ice fog is known as pogonip.
The ice fog was beginning to lift, and Emily squinted in the sun, peering out into the winter-locked city.
Any bit of moisture would turn to crystals, creating an ice fog; when he walked a cloud hung over him, shining with light.
There was less ice fog now.
A form of ice fog hung in the air like chill cobwebs, forcing them to slow their pace.
The river was a block away, and the ice fog swirled around the lamps and settled on the cars.
Ice fog occurs when air is too cold to absorb additional moisture, such as that released by automobile engines or human breath.
Urban ice fog can become extremely dense and will persist day and night until the temperature rises.
In northerly climates, ice fog may form when the temperature drops substantially below freezing.
But often the view from space was obstructed by clouds, and sometimes we were brought to a halt when ice fog brought visibility to zero.
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