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So much for poietic ability and research in physical science.
The very definition of the Poietic class involves a certain abnormality.
The components are organized into a poietic hierarchy; one component creates another.
There are three levels of description, the poietic, the neutral, and the esthesic:
The neutral level is the "trace" left behind, the physical or material creation of esthesic and poietic processes.
To the accumulated activities of the Poietic type, reacted upon by circumstances, are due almost all the forms assumed by human thought and feeling.
Since 1987, the Poietic Generator (various versions) inspired many experiments in diverse contexts.
According to practopoietic theory, creation of adaptive behavior involves special, poietic interactions among different levels of system organization.
(In semiological terms, this is a gap between the esthesic and poietic processes.)
All religious ideas, all ideas of what is good or beautiful, entered life through the poietic inspirations of man.
For the revising and bracing of our Canon is work for poietic as well as kinetic men.
In practice, it seems that it is only men of great poietic distinction outside the Rule, or great commercial leaders, who have wives under it.
The Poietic Generator may be seen as a generic model of multiple complex systems (informational, urban, economic, ecological, etc.) to which everyone is confronted daily.
Jean shows that musical analysis shifted from an emphasis upon the poietic vantage point to an esthesic one at the beginning of the eighteenth century .
Nevertheless, the Poietic Generator and writings of its author are quoted in many academic thesis, and in at least one "100% plagiarized".
The reverse of the previous, taking "a poietic document-letters, plans, sketches- ... and analyzes the work in the light of this information."
People of nervous instability----" "But they may be people of great though irregular poietic gifts.
When the invention or discovery is primarily beauty then we have the artistic type of Poietic mind; when it is not so, we have the true scientific man.
The more vigorous individuals of this class are the most teachable people in the world, and they are generally more moral and more trustworthy than the Poietic types.
On the whole, it is so good that most men who, like myself, are doing poietic work, and who would be just as well off without obedience, find a satisfaction in adhesion.
The kinetic man of wide range, who has assimilated his poietic predecessor, succeeds with far more readiness than his poietic contemporary in almost every human activity.
Autocensure et poïétique (autocensorship and poietic), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Poietic.
The Kinetic class consists of types, various, of course, and merging insensibly along the boundary into the less representative constituents of the Poietic group, but distinguished by a more restricted range of imagination.
Poietic minds are creative or inventive; kinetic minds are able but not particularly inventive; the Dull have "inadequate imagination," and the Base are mired in egotism and lack "moral sense."
And finally," said my double, "our Rules ensure a considerable understanding of the importance of poietic activities in the majority of the samurai, in whose hands as a class all the real power of the world resides.