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What do we know about the leader of the poisoners?
If there had ever been a photograph of a female poisoner, it went too.
The poisoner led him around the building where two horses were waiting.
We never did find out if your name sounded like "poisoner".
So we had two potential poisoners loose; just what I needed.
He said there were probably far more women poisoners going about the world than anyone knew."
What must it have been like with a mother widely believed to be a poisoner?
A slow poisoner is someone living in the intimacy of family life.
Had any trace been found of the poison or the poisoner?
Tell them we have one of the poisoners for them.
"I know a poisoner tried to kill my son, because of you.
"You're not telling us the poisoner over there is in line for the throne?"
Somewhere in this dark and silent house was a poisoner waiting for him?
"I don't want to take you to a house where there's a poisoner at large."
In all cases the poisoner, a lone male, left a business card.
But the poisoner turns out to be less amenable than you might think.
You name a poisoner and I'll tell you all about him or her.
I'm better off to keep avoiding the company of poisoners instead!"
So, friends, within the next day, or by early tomorrow, we will know who the poisoner is!"
I heard her say: "Poisoner, go back to your room."
The poisoner is therefore someone in her own home.
And apparently I have the cold inhumanity of the poisoner.
I thought your poisoner - and poisonous - friend was in no position to give messages.
This was a great boon for a king so often threatened by poisoners.
Someone in the palace is the poisoner we are seeking."