The idea is to improve the performance of those companies and then sell them at a handsome profit.
We made a handsome profit on the deal, and everyone's happy.
Within a year the company was once more posting handsome profits.
He was rather a mean little man, whose chief determination seemed to be to make a handsome profit for himself whatever else might happen.
"Nor that you were making a handsome profit on it?"
There the weapons sell quickly on the street for a handsome profit.
He manages the property at a handsome profit to himself.
In the case of one such fund, investors have also turned a handsome profit.
Perhaps someone should let them know you made a handsome profit.
He hopes to make a handsome profit on this visit.
His capital gain, on which he must pay tax, will seem like a fat profit.
In his eye he could already see fat profits for the company.
He was debating whether to pass the hand and take his fat profits or have one more go.
Not content with making a fat profit out of sheep he finally couldn't leave the deer alone.
American oil companies did well in the first quarter, helped by fat profits on refining.
He was quite angry when I insisted on the bank getting some of the fat profits.
So we'd make a fat profit on the deal.
Those who own land make a fat profit without doing any work, and add to the burdens of the workers.
Then along comes someone with more money than sense, offers you a fat profit, and-bang!
He would also have learned about high wages and fat profits.
The gains from increased trade, though sizable in many economists' view, had mostly taken place.
Spending on construction, on the other hand, posted an unexpected and sizable gain for the month.
Their sales jumped 1.7 percent, to $77.14 billion, with all three major categories posting sizable gains.
The blue-chip index had a sizable gain for a while yesterday, climbing at one point during the morning to over 1,985.
Twelve of the nation's 15 largest bank holding companies reported sizable gains compared with the 1987 first quarter.
Coffee futures lost nearly half the sizable gains they posted the day before.
After all, they have racked up sizable gains since starting this contest in the summer of 1993.
For the year, Ford's overall profit still represented a sizable gain over 2003.
The problems were reported to shareholders, along with the company's sizable gain in annual profits, on May 20, 1987.
Many of them like to remind nervous small investors that the market still has a sizable gain for this year.
It will do so at a sizable profit.
After making a sizable profit from the sale of furs, over $17,000 (approx.
Willing suggested that the two of them could reap a sizable profit by selling nearby mines back to their owners.
The mayor has advised the company to cut into its sizable profits rather than raise rates.
By pooling your resources, you will stand in line for a sizable profit.
Nor, they add, does America Online's business model seem to hold out any prospect for sizable profits, ever.
The San Francisco microblogging company is now valued $8.4bn, despite having yet to turn a sizable profit.
Since the contract prices were inflated by the blockade which had now been removed, his already sizable profits became significantly greater.
Insiders hoped the stock would still be strong six months later, so that they could sell at a sizable profit and repay the loan.
By buying large stakes in undervalued companies and then agitating for change on the part of management, they have been able to make sizable profits.