Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The Smith chart is actually constructed on such a polar diagram.
The directional response of a microphone is recorded on a polar diagram.
This is often known as a polar diagram.
It is shown that a polar diagram provides a useful description of the localization effects.
Hodograph This is a related construct that maps the velocity of a point using a polar diagram.
Measurements using a range of different directions were made and the polar diagram of the scattered light was plotted.
The polar diagram above shows in the blue lobe that the light underwater comes from above, even when the sun sets at the horizon.
By rotating these parasitic elements around the radiator the polar diagram is caused to rotate in space.
Léon Lalanne later used a polar diagram to show the frequency of wind directions around compass points in 1843.
Any 2-port S-parameter may be displayed on a polar diagram using polar co-ordinates.
The interaction relationship of the load inclination on the ultimate capacity was obtained in the form of a polar diagram.
In order to gain cursory insight into the differences in these shocks, a shock polar diagram can be used.
Performance From your Polar diagram you look up the expected speed the yacht should obtain, given a specified wind and sailplan.
Only affected processing of non-square images in which correction of whole map for polar diagram was requested.
A Polar diagram could refer to:
In the maximum output direction the polar diagram is almost insensitive to small angular variations and the signal represents earth's field magnitude changes.
The S-parameter test data may be provided in many alternative formats, for example: list, graphical (Smith chart or polar diagram).
Matlab script pltpow.m to plot powers of complex numbers on Argand diagram and polar diagram.
Any S-parameter may be displayed graphically on a polar diagram by a dot for one frequency or a locus for a range of frequencies.
Graphical (polar diagram)
Angles between these produce an output which varies as the cosine of the angle, leading to the familiar figure-of-eight polar diagram for directional sensitivity.
For the DBS technique, with off-vertical beams, the effect is to bias the polar diagrams back towards the zenith.
Polar diagrams of the currents induced on the surfaces of the cylindrical scatterers are presented for several sets of parameters.
Another consideration with radars operating in the VHF band is the effect of the atmospheric aspect sensitivity on the antenna polar diagrams.
It is a polar diagram where wind direction is indicated by the angle from the center axis and its strength by the distance from the center.
But what would he say about the polar plot to cover up Stafford's movements?
In each case, three examples of the stimulus are shown alongside the polar plot.
It may be described by an equation or displayed in a diagram called a polar plot.
Preucil used a polar plot, which he termed a color circle.
To begin, a polar plot of surface energy as a function of orientation is made.
A polar plot is generated in either E or H planes.
A minimum of three readings are taken and an amplified polar plot is drawn to get the required error.
Polar plots help to show that many loudspeakers tend toward omnidirectionality at lower frequencies.
The graphs can be drawn using cartesian (rectangular) coordinates or a polar plot.
A number of polar plots are required, taken at a wide selection of frequencies, as the pattern changes greatly with frequency.
It is typically represented by a three-dimensional graph, or polar plots of the horizontal and vertical cross sections.
Polar plots are also similar to Cartesian plots.
Typical graphs are line, scatter, bar, contour, waterfall, surface and polar plots.
Data can be displayed in a numeric format, as a bargraph, a polar plot, or a stripchart.
The mathematical calculations for determining the tacking angles and times with polar plots would not be practical to do mentally.
A polar plot in three colours:
Data are shown as polar plots: distance from origin represents magnitude of response, angle represents stimulus orientation.
Slam avoidance polar plots have since been distributed to all 12 Kingston-class ships after a three-year sea worthiness study.
This picture shows a polar plot of the solar wind speed measured by Ulysses during its first 6 year orbit leading up to solar minimum.
A visualization of random numbers and the design of polar plots are used to display some of the unique array operations.
Presentation Graphics (general) Polar Plots.
While tabular output can be valuable for identifying specific values, the most common way to present VPP output is with a polar plot.
Instead, the flow direction and magnitude trace an ellipse over a tidal cycle (on a polar plot) instead of along the ebb and flood lines.
Polar plot of second harmonic intensity generated by PMMA&DR after corona poling.
Toward this end, Hughes developed a software tool called PolarSum which eliminated much of the drudge work of taking a great many polar plot measurements.