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Or perhaps police press officers did not work at weekends?
A police press officer declined to comment on the claim.
The police press officer's secretary was on the line: 'I'm glad your are still there.
At the earliest opportunity a holding statement will be agreed and disseminated by the police press officer.
It also requires the training of sporting organisations and police press officers. 2 Co-operating with the media.
A City of London Police press officer said the force would not comment.
A week later a reporter "played the Surrey Police press officer a recording of the message".
The paper admitted it had tapes of Milly's voicemails, and later played one to a police press officer.
She'd been 9 pleasantly surprised by the helpfulness of the police press officer she'd called after Alex's visit.
"That's someone joking," said Regina Despiniotou, a police press officer.
The suspect was being stubborn and difficult to talk to, said Didier Martinez, a Toulouse police press officer.
ET), Hannover police press officer Stefan Wittke said in a statement.
Essex Police press officer Tabitha Wilson said: "We've now almost completed the ground work of the property.
The brothers had been involved in an argument about music being played too loud, according to Rotterdam Police press officer Patricia Wessels.
Police press officer Roar Hanssen said: "We have some names and also some groups we are investigating.
"(Name redacted) responded by saying that what the Surrey Police press officer was saying was inconceivable.
Paris police press officer Olivier Deflon said: "There have been no problems and no arrests during or immediately after the match.
The NotW “played the Surrey Police press officer a recording of the message left by the recruitment agency on Milly’s voicemail”.
Cadaver dogs have found six "hits," locations where a body or body parts may have be buried, said police press officer Louise Nibbs.
Surrey police press officer Sarah McGregor told the court that Mr Kuttner had offered them "significant" information.
'Children may be thrust into a potentially dangerous situation through innocence, chance or youthful mischievousness,' said Police Press Officer, Jacqui Hanson.
The court was told of Kuttner's continuing interest in the story with an email to Surrey Police press officer Sarah McGregor on April 17, 2002.
Police press officer Franck Ernotte said a special team was checking the giant arch, site of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, both inside and outside.
One or two members of the local media had arrived, and the police press officer, David Whitney, was on the scene keeping them back and feeding them titbits of information.