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Big submarines mean: a policy of aggression, to further world revolution.
He also stated that the incident "shows a continuation of Jordan's policy of aggression and border harassment".
The policy of aggression pursued by Saddam Hussein and his accomplices has taken large numbers of their own people hostage.
"Radio and TV Marti are part of the policy of aggression against Cuba."
A policy of avoidance is strongly advised; a policy of aggression or retaliation is strictly forbidden.
Bishara criticizes him for even serving in the post, saying that the foreign policy of Israel is a policy of aggression against Arabs.
The Palestinian prime minister, Ismail Haniya, condemned "the Israeli policy of aggression against our people."
In 2005, the United States Congress passed a resolution declaring that "the Serbian policies of aggression and ethnic cleansing meet the terms defining genocide".
In other words, the 'Themistoklean' policy of aggression towards Sparta did not exclude 'Kimonian'war on Persia.
The records for the first half of the 4th century are confused, but Rome appear to have embarked on a deliberate policy of aggression against the Volsci.
The real tragedy, lies in the fact that in spite of success in achieving equalization, hegemony and policies of aggression continue to afflict the international scene.
It lies in enmeshing reunited Germany in a European security system out of which it could never break loose to pursue its past policies of aggression.
Despite this, Benaud told chairman of selectors Don Bradman that he would still be going for an improbable victory in accordance with his policy of aggression.
In Fischer's view, the Imperial German state saw itself under siege by rising demands for democracy at home and looked to distract democratic strivings through a policy of aggression abroad.
He started off his career by conquering Southern Yan, which bordered Jin to the north and had adopted a policy of aggression and kidnapping citizens from the Jin.
It is beyond belief that, after Croatia and Bosnia, almost exactly the same scenario is developing - a policy of aggression, more than a police operation, and a policy which is creating 250 000 refugees.
The Government of Iran asserted that the attack constituted a policy of aggression, gunboat diplomacy, an act of war, and called for an extensive political and economic boycott of the United States.
This is not a defence and security policy, it is a policy of aggression and insecurity, which is precisely why this policy is contrary to the vision of our people, who are fighting against it.
The support given to Israel's policies of aggression and occupation and to the policy of non-compliance with United Nations resolutions, as practised by Israel and other countries like Morocco, are other factors that we also denounce here.
Kuwait's foreign minister, Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah, urged in a speech to the General Assembly today that pressure be maintained on Iraq, which, he said, continued to reveal "non-peaceful intentions and policies of aggression" toward its neighbors.
Zuhair Manasra, the Palestinian governor of the city of Jenin, near the site of the helicopter attack, said, "This ugly incident proves that there is no cease-fire by Sharon and he is continuing a policy of aggression and assassination."
This policy of aggression has intensified recently, giving rise to justifiable concerns on the part of the Cuban authorities, especially now that pre-emptive war has risen to the status of a White House doctrine and the invasion of Iraq has taken place.
The London-based al-'Arab said Cohen's Gulf tour had been successful as an arms-selling exercise but a relative flop politically because he had "failed to obtain the traditional show of collective Gulf support for the policy of aggression his country pursues against Iraq."
To remove the anti-German emphasis in the original treaty, a protocol was added to the preamble, deleting the statement that one of the objectives was 'to take such steps as may be necessary in the event of renewal by Germany of a policy of aggression'.