"ponad" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "ponad" in Polish


the image to "over" in Polish
  1. over , ***** , also: o'er literary
    • nad, ponad
      He is jumping over the fence.
      The lamp is hanging over the table.
      The view was beautiful when our plane was flying over the mountains.
      link synonym: above
    • ponad, powyżej, więcej niż
      He paid over three hundred dollars for it!
      We've been waiting for over two months.
      It may take over an hour.
    • przez, ponad (głośniej niż coś innego)
      He was shouting over the music but nobody listened to him.
    • ponad (np. preferować coś ponad coś innego)
      I prefer tea over coffee.
      Mary prefers dresses over skirts.
    • ponad (pozostający w zapasie)
  2. before , *****
    • przed, ponad (kogoś, np. przedkładać potrzeby)
      Don't put your needs before mine!
      How can you put your work before your family?
  3. above ****
    • nad, ponad (np. poziomem morza)
      We are 2,000 metres above sea-level.
      The stars were hanging above us.
      antonym: below
    • ponad (coś)
      He puts his needs above ours.
      The priest placed his hands above my head and started praying.
  4. beyond ****
    • poza, ponad, nie do (np. rozpoznania)
      He changed beyond recognition.
      Her loyalty is beyond question.
      He helped us beyond measure.
      The book on the shelf was beyond my reach.
    • ponad, więcej, niż
      If the prices fall beyond 15% we will have to close our business.
  5. past , ****
    • poza (czymś), ponad (coś)
      This is difficult. It's really past us.
      He's past 80 years old.
      Her house is not far past the town.
  6. over and above
  1. above ****
    • więcej, ponad
      People aged 70 and above shouldn't drive cars.
      Getting 85% and above on this test will make you pass this course.
  2. beyond ****
    • ponad, więcej, niż
      As a child of five I could already count to 500 and beyond.
  3. upwards of  
  4. outside ****
    • ponad, powyżej (limitu czasu przeznaczonego na coś)
      You can't stay here outside the time limit they gave you.
      He didn't manage to finish the project on time so he had to stay at the office outside the time limit.
  5. odd , **
  1. plus ***
    • ponad, przeszło (używane po liczbie)
      They all earn 4000 dollars plus.
  1. ultra-
  2. supra-