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Something that looked a lot like a carefully folded waterproof poncho.
Most of them were wearing waterproof ponchos, slick with rain.
Men selling waterproof ponchos have taken to shouting: "Get them now - the rain comes on the price goes up."
However I can supply waterproof ponchos if needed.
A poor area, it was famous for its greasy wool, tamped into felt and waterproof ponchos.
Captain Pogue wore the remnants of his army uniform beneath a waterproof poncho.
Mindful of the weather, Alberto offered us waterproof ponchos and a couple of ancient dented water bottles.
He hands out waterproof ponchos, fumbles with his pathetic props, strips to his Y-fronts, hoiks people on stage.
The "boat cloak" served as a waterproof poncho or cloak until inflated, when it became a one-man boat.
And, rather less self-referentially, here's the aforementioned Wandering Ska, waterproof ponchos and all:
A waterproof poncho is also standard issue and though designed to be 'one size fits all', on tall people the lower legs are completely unprotected from the rain.
To address this, and for a nominal charge, flip flops are available to purchase at the vehicle, together with waterproof ponchos for those not dressed appropriately.
She wore a waterproof poncho, which was fortunate, since the runners had a tendency to knock cups out of her hand in their haste to drink and run.
OUR CAMPING gear included army surplus hammock, mosquito net and waterproof poncho.
The SEALs too changed their watch at 04( Buster were tired to the point of exhaustion; themselves in their waterproof ponchos and crashed i on the groundsheets.
There may have been some in an audience wrapped in London 2012 waterproof ponchos who were wondering why they hadn't stayed in to watch it all on BBC Four.
Although the patriot troops were equipped with waterproof ponchos, the winter weather was so unpleasant and the patriot supplies so limited that Carrera was concerned about the timing of the campaign.
There would be tl usual supplies of waterproof ponchos and, of course, tw lap-top computers for the SEALs who would lie in t7 forest recording the movements of the Chinese guards.
A small hardy band of souls stood near the stage, huddled together, swaying, some even dancing underneath their waterproof ponchos, cagoules and brollies (the on-site umbrella/hat stall did a roaring trade), slugging down expensive bubbly, paying homage to the founding father of Britpop.
Starting at the Underbelly, you are stripped of your possessions, given a waterproof poncho and a bag containing a rose, a wallet and a Waitrose receipt and sent out on to the street, where you are immediately accosted by a backpacker who can't speak English.
We provide new warm clothing (down jackets, long johns, sweat suits, hats, gloves, socks, scarves, sandals, hand warmers), sleeping bags, bedding, tarps, waterproof ponchos, umbrellas, useful tools (eating utensils, water bottle, can opener, etc.), personal-hygiene supplies and food that doesn't need to be cooked or refrigerated.
The Rain or Shine pack, which contains a snap-open fan to help you stay cool and a waterproof poncho for sudden downpours, is available to all consumers who spend £30 or more on purchases while providing proof of their festival ticket or email confirmation, and is provided in a neatly pre-packed bag for ease.
Alright, it's not technically a fashion thing, but this sleek and sophisticated Turtle Shell speaker from Outdoor Tech will (almost) definitely bag you as many cool points as if you were best friends with Bombay Bicycle Club, even if you're in a bright blue waterproof poncho looking a bit like a sad, discarded rubber glove.
The ingenious design, called The Boncho, is a fully waterproof poncho packed away in a small bag that is ready to pop out, throw over your head and fix to the bike's handlebars for a fully waterproof, breathable ride.
The summer may have been a washout but, thanks to a mix of our Great British stoicism, blind faith and waterproof ponchos, outdoor concerts remained as popular as ever.
Think of all the cute little rain ponchos he'll make!
He was wearing a rain poncho she had cut for him from sheet plastic.
We have printed up rain ponchos with the synagogue logo.
Identical red plastic rain ponchos line the wall on pegs.
Some groups turned out to march in bright-colored rain ponchos or hard hats.
Pack a small rain poncho for those moments when the weatherman is wrong.
"You might put on the rain poncho in your pack," Myali offered.
The cameramen wear rain ponchos, and we put covers on the cameras.
A large garbage bag can serve as a cover for wet ground, laundry carrier and rain poncho.
Serge handed a stolen credit card to a man in an orange rain poncho.
When the dwarf tried on Ben's rain poncho, the smallest we had, he'd said it was too long for him to do any scrambling in.
I quickly found the rain ponchos I sought, and with them in hand, turned back around in my seat.
Mr. Guerra was covered by a green umbrella and a yellow rain poncho.
Both groups were wearing rain ponchos which covered their uniforms and made it difficult to see to which army each belongs.
There was nothing in the closet but a spiffy green hat and a perfectly transparent rain poncho.
Over the last month, unions have provided extensive support to Occupy protesters around the country, from rain ponchos to cash donations.
Of course, you always hope for the best, but be prepared for inclement weather by throwing in a rain poncho.
KC pulled on sweats, then found her mother's old rain poncho and a pair of tennis shoes.
In the middle stood the artist known as Swoon in a bright yellow rain poncho and jeans.
He was encased in a clear-plastic rain poncho.
Spectators in rain ponchos have flash-mobbed to its side, hoping for that once-in-a-lifetime chance to touch a bit of history.
However, rain ponchos will be obligatory on Sunday, when it is forecast to pour all day and only reach highs of 12 degrees.
Farm & Country also contributed rain ponchos (guaranteed to bring on rain) and helped promote the awards.
They look like rain ponchos.
The rain poncho from the Sanitation Department was so thin that it was all but useless.