Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Seven days to think back on a whole week's worth of pondering - wrapped up in one hour.
It's worth pondering the significance of their making it so.
He had his arm around Andrea, who seemed to be pondering the meaning of life.
The film concludes with him pondering over the exhibit and his past.
This is more rewarding than pondering on what one could have."
And why these artists have landed together in our midst just now may be a question worth pondering.
After pondering the matter further, he had this to add: "You know why lawyers hate me?
Sitting around and pondering is not my style.
Sir, there are plannings in my head that have grown perfect with pondering.
Pondering the things you've done wrong is more forward-thinking.
Those are friendly words worth pondering on a weekend devoted to national self-congratulation.
Leaving the snobbery to one side, the analogy did make a philosophical point worth pondering.
In this connection, Thursday's regular repertory program proved a point worth pondering.
He says he never got anyone pregnant, but found himself pondering the question of abortion once when a girlfriend's period was four months late.
After pondering how to complete the film under such terms, Hoolboom chose to use no edits.
"I am pondering others even more novel," said Cugel.
There is no point in pondering an entrepreneur-friendly climate or lifelong learning, if we fail to deliver.
Sources cited fans as pondering four questions: When was Brooke slipping away?
Deep Thoughts It's billed as a thinkers' convention, with participants pondering the role of the director.
However, a section of this particular audience wasn't that interested in pondering the semiotic history of the movie alien.
We sat down rather disconsolately on a rock to eat a couple of fun-sized Mars bars while pondering out next move.
"Even pondering is sometimes too far."
She saw no humor in the suggestion, shook her head absently, still busy pondering the problem, finger to tooth edge.
A purchase worth pondering, particularly for prancers.
Special attention was devoted to pondering the mysterious charms of Joey Buttafuoco.