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She had poofy blonde hair and lips the color of bubblegum.
Back then, she explained, "big poofy hair was in.
Even her wool plaids came in poofy layers.
When the yeast is poofy, pour the mixture into the dry ingredients and add:
And a closer, trimmer cut allows wearers to avoid that poofy village idiot effect.
None of this poofy stuff.
Under no circumstances was Poofy about to allow Lutie to strain herself.
In a radio interview, Aguilera said that she thought the doll's hair was too "poofy," and that they looked nothing like her.
Ms. Rose presented poofy layers of tulle.
I don't know why they imagine it's 'poofy' or we wouldn't find it attractive if they dressed up for us.
I'm not the poofy type.' "
"Yes, I am sure you think it is beautiful," sniffed a heavily made up woman on the boardwalk, whose poofy hat was adorned with rhinestones.
Can you imagine the ruffs here and there was the poofy trousers and the, and the tights.
We get the rap for being demure and dewy-faced in the big poofy dress and the big hair.
"Those poofy, fluffy crinolines are not my thing," Mrs. Sands said.
Plenty of alternatives for those of us who look at the big poofy dresses and think "loo roll cover" rather than "princess".
Her larger-than-life wedding dress, all poofy silk and satin frills, is on display here, as are a selection of other outfits.
Lamington is also reported to have referred to the cakes as "those bloody poofy woolly biscuits".
"We have poofy sounds that suggest big winds - synthesizer-driven shock waves," said Mr. Flick.
On one occasion when Jazmine was complaining about her "big and poofy" hair, Huey interrupted her to ask what she thought of clouds.
Rasputin is smarter than most would think, and more than a little warm for Donko's attention, described as "a very poofy goat."
Or the middle-age woman in a poofy brown newsboy cap buried in the new Bette Davis biography.
Some of Frederick's hottest sellers, strangely enough, are its church-picnic-style dresses with modest sweetheart necklines and poofy sleeves.