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Not eating well enough and giving your baby poor nutrition.
You will have a higher risk of health problems linked to poor nutrition.
Problems with poor nutrition have limited health progress over the years.
Very early labor has many causes, and poor nutrition is usually the least of them.
Over time, you may have problems from poor nutrition.
"Not having enough money led to poor nutrition and lack of access to medical care.
Poor nutrition and sanitation led to the spread of disease.
A period of poor nutrition nearly always precedes an attack.
His teeth also are reported to have fallen out, apparently because of poor nutrition.
He attributed this to poor nutrition and a high stress rate among people in the District.
Studies have shown that the intellectual development of children can be damaged by poor nutrition.
Poor nutrition, especially lack of protein or iron in the diet.
Obesity, poor nutrition, depression and social isolation are looked at.
Other contributors are poor nutrition and underlying medical issues such as diabetes.
Poor nutrition can lead to unhealthy skin and slow healing.
Poor nutrition has been proposed as a risk factor for developing depression.
She dies at an early age from poor nutrition.
Other causes are stress, a low protein diet, a family history or poor nutrition.
It could be caused by a negative Rh or poor nutrition in the mother.
Both sides battled disease, poor nutrition, and transportation issues throughout the war.
His father died at the age of 58 of a heart attack, caused in part by poor nutrition.
The difficulty during eating may lead to poor nutrition.
And you know, the rates of infection from parasites, poor nutrition, all contribute to the problem.
Poor nutrition, overcrowding and less access to medical services, he said, have long-term consequences for overall health.
There were no skeletal signs of poor health or poor nutrition.