Child pornography was found in the home, the police said today.
And it has not worked very well on child pornography.
And as you point out, this has nothing to do with child pornography.
Police found 18 images of child pornography on a hard drive in his home.
I would like to pick up on five points which seem to me to be particularly important in the fight against child pornography.
Another boy was charged with child pornography in a similar case.
It'll be brought out again because nobody can stand up and say, well, I'm for child pornography.
We must make every effort to prevent child pornography being made available over the Internet.
And you think people responsible for child pornography would eventually stand trial?
My third point is that we need experts in the fight against child pornography on the Internet.
It's only a few frames away from child porn.
The number of child abuse cases hasn't gone up in the last several decades (though child porn certainly gets around more).
Could be worse, like trying to stop child porn.
Give it 4 days and someone's in jail for their computer passing along packets of child porn.
There are, in addition, references to child porn and Snuff film.
So I'm allowed to shoot up heroin and look at child porn in the privacy of my own home then?
A business hosting child porn can not consider it free speech.
As Paul notes, many men stumble upon child porn only accidentally, in the course of searching for something else.
Great, now a bunch of peados can access child porn again.
Whereas the phrase "child porn" gives a pretty good indication as to nature of the abuse.