Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He was positing his past work as modern enough for the future.
Perhaps he always posited the future as bright because the past and present gave him so much to work with.
"We can get change by positing a vision of what is possible," he said.
"I would posit one reason is that people feel less secure."
Why posit special, weird things if there's no reason to?
He posited a direct relationship between the perception of art and the individual.
"He's always posited the question if I was ready to go back.
But don't show me one and from that posit a second.
The academy also posited a new question: "How low can we go?"
Another is to change the thinking that posits war as a source of human creativity.
This posits that demand for religion has little to do with economic development.
Overall, she posited that class size is a factor in students' success.
Against which we should posit the obvious objection to it.
It posits three areas of media coverage into which a topic may fall.
Nothing much happened once that world had been posited.
Thus, I posit that it is possible to go too far in our zeal.
Those who question the value of standardized tests posit this example.
As he'd posited, it was on the second lowest basement level.
Once these many Ones have been posited, the nature of their relationship begins to unfold.
This extended family was posited as the moral center of Indian culture.
It was exactly what you posited two weeks ago.
He posited several analogies between machines and the human body.
He posits that many in today's world are made uneasy by the idea of mercy.
He posits that God is the fountainhead, reason and end of good in the world.
Throughout history, many doctors and patients have posited that emotions influence health.