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This time there was a postscript, a little something more than story.
It has a beginning, a middle, an end, and maybe even a postscript or two.
I left the postscript with my friends, although that was rather interesting too.
This is a postscript, written on the very last day of the old year.
He has been published in Postscripts among many other places.
A postscript lists 23 children who died while he was working on the book.
And of course it is still being played out, a fact mentioned in a postscript.
A short time later, there was an odd postscript to the story.
But he also likes to add a postscript of his own.
Martha did not get to hear this final postscript to her story.
It was not so much a postscript to a career as a promise for his future.
A Postscript, written in 1963, gives his views on the space program after he left office.
Everything before was but preparation for this event, and all else is postscript.
The production turns out to be something more than a worthy postscript.
Although the film was completed in January, there is a recent postscript.
This story went well beyond the film, which ends with a postscript after the crime.
It was the postscript to the candle story that really left its mark.
A postscript added that "the snow should be fine by then."
As a postscript to this, Paul's wedding did finally come to pass.
After all it is natural for women to put the essence of the letter in the postscript!
In a postscript I mentioned the hour at which we were going to the station to meet my sister.
The postscript said, "This letter would be for purposes of my death."
Girls, I had put that postscript to his letter and he was furious.
If you are very serious about desktop publishing, you'll want Postscript.
I feel that a short postscript will not be amiss.