Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Potentially the most important development of recent weeks is on the political front.
"New York is potentially the most significant market for us."
So a dead body is not actually or potentially a human being.
But many potentially strong players seem sure to be available.
What you can say is, we're potentially pretty good here now.
He is potentially the most important member of the administration.
The more potentially private the fact, the less likely I was to put it on paper.
Is it a good deal, potentially, for the world economy?
The Green movement is much more serious, actually and potentially.
So there are potentially bad things that could be done.
He potentially could also be the last living example of his species.
The plan will potentially add 800 new jobs to the university.
They were all potentially the same, none better than another.
What you end up being able to do is very limited, but potentially means something.
Every small business, therefore, is potentially on the wrong side of the law.
Also, L-3 could potentially do very well in this environment.
This could be a potentially large new source of energy.
The problem is not considered potentially serious among the various heart problems.
How could they win against a potentially much larger force?
That means agency workers may potentially be left without the following rights.
If you put too much energy into them it can have two potentially bad side effects.
"But these are the kinds of things that could potentially take place."
It is also a place, potentially, for artists to do some business.
"They should have looked into potentially less expensive ways of doing that."