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With an electric saw, she cut through the exposed ribs along both sides.
The police had to use an electric saw to cut through the lock before arresting them.
It won't take them long either - they've got teeth like electric saws?
I had to scrounge an electric saw from the ship's stores to do the job.
Cut two studs to the height that you measured, using the electric saw.
The doctors wanted a battery-operated electric saw, but there wasn't one handy.
"That machine on the table upstairs-isn't it an electric saw?"
We got to the tree before the bulldozers but the electric saw was perilously close.
Like that electric saw and all those carpentry tools.
We all rushed outside to find the bulldozers and an electric saw making for our oak tree.
Your husband was using an electric saw to cut some plywood - and cut off his finger in the process.
Peter and Walter go to a local hardware store and buy an electric saw to cut the man out of the wall.
That afternoon he decided to carve an abstract face from a block of maple, picked up an electric saw, and began.
He was carrying his electric saw on his shoulder-like a rifle.
The Bo'sun tested both the electric drill and electric saw.
First the men had to cut through the woods, hacking out a path for the trailer truck with electric saws.
In the beginning, moon-suited workers used electric saws to slice through the stainless steel.
The body was cut into 1-centimeter slices using an electric saw, and the muscle was carefully cut away.
Construction was everywhere on the grounds, and, incredibly, they were using an electric saw to cut metal pipe for hand railings directly outside our room.
With the proper blade installed, small electric saws can be used for some metal-cutting tasks.
The assailant, who had probably used a type of electric saw, seemed to understand joints and which parts of the body were easiest to cut.
Some outfits had a wheeled generator which had a power cord to run to the electric saw.
He didn't have morgue tools, no electric saws.
"If you don't know how to do woodwork well, will it help you to buy an electric saw rather than a regular saw?
The air smelled bad and Alex could hear a constant whine, like an electric saw, coming from a garbage compactor just out of his sight.