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When you know your name is in the book, they are powerless.
The police and the Church are powerless to stop us.
I know what you're doing but am almost powerless to make you stop.
Some even say they feel powerless to turn it off.
Then the issue went to a general vote of the student body, also powerless.
Several said they did not like their situation, but were powerless to change it.
The women feel powerless once they get in this country.
Time seemed to stop, and he was powerless to make it start once more.
For now it has happened, I am powerless to help you.
In the face of this situation, the police were powerless.
Many teachers see themselves as powerless to change their working conditions.
He had been powerless and yet was given a measure of power.
War becomes one more problem they feel powerless to control.
But when the need for order becomes too strong, they feel powerless and out of control.
We'd put a stop to a good deal of that if we could, but we're powerless in the matter, you know.
If there's a problem between you and them, you'll more or less be powerless to do much about it.
It was also about "the effect of power on the powerless."
Without the active support of these men I would have been powerless.
We seek them out when we're at our most powerless.
Trying to move the other arm, I found it powerless also.
It has not helped that the police seem powerless to deal with the problem.
This may have been why I seem completely powerless to keep up with him.
They were powerless, and there was no help to be expected this time.
How could he have been powerless to start the war, yet powerful enough to stop it?
If their goals were other than his, they would be powerless to stop him.