The same is true for the opening of the detective novel in Task 1.
But the detective novels failed to make enough money to support him.
"If there are detective novels all over the place, the people probably wouldn't be of interest to me," he said.
"Well, I have read every detective novel that has been published in the last ten years."
Green has been called "the mother of the detective novel."
And it had all the elements of a detective novel.
This isn't a detective novel, it only looks like one.
As they say in the detective novels, everything fell into place.
In addition to all this, he still found time to write a play, and several detective novels.
His love of detective novels often paid off in the real world.
He thought the work was more than a detective story.
At the time of his death he was working on a detective story.
We want one detective story to be much like another.
Not at all like anything I have ever read in detective stories.
A good detective story would probably be even more popular than a bad one.
I just read about it in detective stories, same as you.
Detective stories are often in high favor with him also.
His love for Books then made him to write few detective stories,which are not yet published.
They made almost no mention of the traditional detective story.
The title alone would make people think it was a detective story.