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She must look after their needs from prenatal to age 21.
When I say prenatal care, what do you think of?
The money can be used for new prenatal health programs.
In most ways, your prenatal care will be the same as for other women.
Money has also been increased for the state's prenatal care program.
I'm going to give you a complete prenatal right now.
But what about the women who do not seek prenatal care?
That could provide complete prenatal care services to 40,000 more women.
She is three times more likely to receive early prenatal care.
Two of five pregnant women have late or no prenatal care.
As for prenatal care, I most certainly do receive it.
As a result, the patients may be more likely to seek and continue prenatal care.
What all these studies have in common is an emphasis on good prenatal care.
As a result they get earlier and more frequent prenatal care than other poor women.
This may be a result of better nutrition and prenatal care, he says.
Part of the prenatal learning program was basic education: language and social behavior.
She spent her time collecting information for a book on prenatal care.
Prenatal care, police services, and other programs have been cut or eliminated.
"This is the first time I got prenatal care," she said.
In a prenatal death, these two questions seem to merge.
These prenatal care visits are very important for your baby and yourself.
They need to send pregnant young women to good prenatal care programs.
Take your prenatal vitamin with a full glass of water.
It has, however, this prenatal child, an advantage in its situation.
I would like to see more community health clinics, better prenatal care for poor women.
In addition, she has the right to paid time off for antenatal care.
In fact, now is a good time to see your doctor to sign up for antenatal care.
You'll probably have an antenatal appointment each week from now on.
I wanted to go home, but was led to the antenatal ward instead.
If I decide to take antenatal classes, where and when are they held?
You often have to wait a long time at hospital antenatal clinics.
And try to stay in contact with other dads from your antenatal group.
Your blood pressure will be monitored at all antenatal checks.
I was only sixteen, just come out of school, straight into antenatal classes.
Learning about both pregnancy and birth at antenatal classes can be a great help.
If you need advice between appointments, call your antenatal clinic.
These tests are typically performed at the first antenatal visit.
The rate of women with at least one antenatal visit from 2005-2009 was 64%.
This is a possible explanation as to why antenatal depression has just recently been identified.
I was working on an antenatal ward and noticed a woman crying.
With the introduction of antenatal care, that rate plummeted to 4.9 percent.
They will also have the right to paid time off to attend antenatal examinations during working hours.
Some, but not all, antenatal clinics weigh you at every appointment.
You're likely to have an antenatal appointment around now.
And if you want to take paid time off work for antenatal appointments, you'll need to speak to your boss.
Antenatal steroids if the gestational age is less than 32 weeks.
You will appreciate that I shall need to take paid time off work for antenatal visits.
Nicole goes on a date with Angus and she takes him to her antenatal class.
Antenatal depression can be trigger and caused by various events within a woman's life.
It's a good idea to find out what you're in for at the birth, so consider going to antenatal classes with your partner.