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Our Group is in the process of taking appropriate precautionary action.
In the meantime, I was going to take my own precautionary actions.
It being a rejection of a formal ultimatum, what precautionary action would the Secretary have taken?
This resulted in the Jain community of the area taking precautionary action by setting up a temple committee.
Once again, I have to take precautionary action."
They advocated a change in our way of thinking and a return to a code of ethics based on precautionary action.
In January 2008, a coalition of over 40 civil society groups endorsed a statement of principles calling for precautionary action related to nanotechnology.
The announcement said the move is a "precautionary action" after the manufacturer, the Boeing Company, discovered that "certain transmissions may have been improperly assembled."
"This was a precautionary action and the shutdown cooling systems performed in a satisfactory manner and both reactors were safely shut down.
Vulnerable Points Other ministers have been taking precautionary actions to protect the Government on points where it has been considered especially vulnerable.
I can now take precautionary action, however, with the knowledge that I now have, to limit the severity of the attack and even sometimes prevent the attack itself.
Events such as the BSE and dioxin crisis have stimulated a growing public debate about the circumstances in which precautionary action is justified and necessary.
The confederates had taken precautionary action by deploying Quirk's scouts and Cluke's regiment to impede the Union relief force.
For example, if a polluting substance is likely to enter surface waters or groundwater you may be required to take precautionary action, such as using a secondary containment system.
This draft-plan included the designating of areas within 5 kilometers of plants as precautionary action zones, here residents should immediately evacuate in the event of an accident.
If you are now hearing this message, it simply means that we have elected to take the precautionary action of placing you, the American people, on alert to this possibility.
Galiana and Skade use this system to obtain and modify inertial suppression technology and take various precautionary actions to eliminate the existential threat of the Inhibitors.
Gale warnings (and gale watches) allow mariners to take precautionary actions to ensure their safety at sea or to seek safe anchorage and ride out the storm on land.
Seven people suffered bumps and bruises, with four of these treated at the on-site first aid station, and three others taken to Firelands Regional Medical Center as a precautionary action.
As a precautionary action, a person who notices a drooping eyelid, uneven dilation of one pupil, or even minor changes, such as delayed movement of one eye, should contact a neurologist.
It is inevitably the case that these tend to be people who are not rich enough to engage in high-powered tax planning, or who, for lack of knowledge or advice, fail to take the necessary precautionary action.
"But they knew enough to say that there were long-term risks and that precautionary action was necessary if we were to avoid the greater risk - of the evidence mounting to the point where draconian action was unavoidable."
The key to dealing with economic problems in developing nations, he said, is "intervening earlier, which means accepting responsibility for being identified with precautionary action rather than waiting until people's economies are down around their ankles and you rush in like some kind of hero."
Ozone Mapping System for the New England Area - This system offers daily ozone forecasts, peak maps, and a daily ozone movie so that the public has an opportunity to take precautionary actions by limiting exposure and reducing pollution-causing activities.
While it is important for us to be prepared and vigilant and to take precautionary action, with responsible risk assessment and forward planning, a lot will depend on the availability and effectiveness of anti-virals and vaccines and hospital bed capacity, which has been seriously reduced in all EU countries in the last decade.