Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Option to predefine team play style every 15 minutes also added.
Why should we predefine the issues on which citizens can raise an initiative?
Document layout is made easier if you predefine the characteristics of paragraphs.
Creative sequencing is a feature within ad serving that allows to predefine the sequence of creatives a unique visitor will watch.
Another difficulty was that, like ALGOL 60, the language did not allow procedures or functions passed as parameters to predefine the expected type of their parameters.
This is fundamentally different from conventional databases that predefine the object types (classes) about which information can be stored by defining a limited number of entity types and attribute types in a fixed data model.
The surgical planning is the preoperative method of pre-visualising a surgical intervention, in order to predefine the surgical steps and furthermore the bone segment navigation in the context of computer assisted surgery.
Other systems, especially those suited for specific domains such as decision modeling (gIBIS and Decision Explorer), predefine a set of link types that can be assigned (but not altered) by the user.
Instead, HTML standards predefine a large set of several hundred named character entities, which can still be handled as standard parsed entities defined in the DTD used by the parser.
This is fundamentally different from conventional databases that predefine a fixed and limited number of relation types between the columns in the database tables (whereas unfortunately those relation types are usually defined only in an implicit way).
Nupedia was designed by committee, with experts to predefine the rules, and it approved only 21 articles in its first year, compared to Wikipedia posting 200 articles in the first month, and 18,000 in the first year.
Interpretive research, using methods such as those termed "storytelling" or "narrative inquiry," does not attempt to predefine independent variables and dependent variables, but acknowledges context and seeks to "understand phenomena through the meanings that people assign to them."