Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The press pool was nearly full and several people were forced to stand.
This report includes information supplied by an international press pool.
When they landed, the press pool included about a dozen people.
The concept of a press pool isn't unknown around here, is it?
After a few minutes, the press pool was ushered to a food court to wait.
In this case it was a dinner for senior administration officials and selected members of the press pool.
They are part of a press pool chosen by lot to cover this great discovery.
The members of the press pool had been chosen by lot to cover the invasion story.
The press pool traveling with him was required to keep the visit secret for security reasons.
He paid with cash, noted press pool reporters on scene.
When you’re in a press pool, there are always surreal moments.
According to a press pool report, Obama wasn’t exactly on his A game.
About four dozen lawmakers and staff will attend, not including the press pool.
For that reason, he said, escorts were a standard part of press pools.
"His remarks will be open to a press pool for live coverage.
Select journalists were allowed to visit the front lines in "press pools."
This time, the press pool was in one of the balconies recording every word.
The press pool was able to capture a snippet of their conversation.
The press pool waited for the answer that had silenced the spokesman.
"Staff said Obama showered and changed at home as press pool held outside.
Obama!” according to a press pool reporter on scene.
Then she turned and left, and the press pool quietly filed out.
At that point, the press pool was ushered off the course, while Obama continued to the second tee.
Silbert had in fact never told any of the other reporters about the press pool arrangement.
Summers appeared to be nodding off near the beginning of Obama's remarks, according to a press pool report.