Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
These gifts were, he argued, a "total prestation" and not a gift in our sense of the word.
Obligations are classified according to the nature of the performance (prestation):
A prestation is a service provided out of a sense of obligation, like "community service".
These gifts were, he argued, a "total prestation."
Lévi-Strauss held that women were always exchanged for some "prestation" which could either be other women or labor and material goods.
In our case, the services of the MOB introduction agency constitute the characteristic prestation.
He introduced a set of counter-proposals in October 2004, including the recognition of a "prestation minimale."
In the French version, a distinction is made between "livraison de biens" and "prestation de services".
Also aboarded pre-compensatory prestation period from 1979 up to 1982 discussing unjust enrichment principles and de facto corporation.
In the matter here under study, the prestation of the introduction service provided by the agency constitutes the characteristic prestation.
Les changements n'altèrent pas la prestation.
Les sept premiers jours de prestation sont considérées comme période d’essai.
"pension benefit" " prestation de pension "
ESD; electronic service delivery prestation de services électroniques (n.f.)
L’artiste interprète détient-il ou elle les droits sur sa prestation?
Immediate Goal Trying to do unsolicited favours for Elders in an attempt to get his foot on the first rung of the prestation ladder.
Hence, the law of the country of the contracting party whose "prestation" [i.e., performance] characterizes the contract will apply to the agreement.
Q: Qu'avez-vous pensé de la prestation de Gourcuff?
Gaining Clan Prestige: Belialians have an intricate prestation system, reminiscent of the Ventrue's.
La prestation de serment du nouveau exécutif aura lieu lundi en mi-journée.
C'était une prestation frustrante," a dit Federer.
La prestation de services juridiques de grande qualité présente de nombreux défis.
Un scénario inespéré pour l'ASM au vu de la prestation fournie.
Débarrassé de ses problèmes physiques, Motta a livré une nouvelle prestation magistrale.
Old age pensioners may claim the Prestation Spécifique Dépendance (PSD).