Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Today it is home to approximately 2,000 (prevailingly elder) people.
Halfway through the 19th century, the scientific community had prevailingly abandoned it.
How much of that comes across in the prevailingly cool choreography remains an open question.
His first creative works were prevailingly instrumental, from the 1950s he added opera pieces.
The widespread informal economy is prevailingly marked by such employment.
The terminology is prevailingly tannaitic, even in the second portion.
Up to date, it has been prepared by three prevailingly ineffective methods:
Her work has high emotional content which goes against the grain of prevailingly ironic contemporary British art trends.
In Croatian society, which is still prevailingly traditional, the burden of family life still lies with women.
He thought that the songs written by the band members were the strongest tracks, but criticized the "prevailingly generic sound".
Since that year Bremen was a prevailingly Protestant city.
These materials contribute a formality that is in keeping with the prevailingly elegant mood of men's clothing.
Instead, Andris Nelsons led a performance that was prevailingly muscular.
Their generous weight does not reflect excessive obesity; the body build, as will be pointed out later, is prevailingly muscular and athletic.
But it would be no fair picture of Clifford's state of mind were we to represent him as continually or prevailingly wretched.
LA 22 is prevailingly an undivided, two-lane highway.
The actions of partisans were prevailingly uncoordinated.
MacLennan's live work is prevailingly long durational.
The upgrade seeks to make the mall more appealing to the prevailingly young population of downtown, where more than 33,000 people have moved in since 2000.
Prevailingly gloomy and phlegmatic, it seldom rouses itself to do much more than pursue "the sound of a great Amen."
Nonetheless, penance and reconciliation was prevailingly a public rite (sometimes unrepeatable), which included absolution at its conclusion.
Her poems are distinctive in Manx literature in being prevailingly from or of a female perspective and based within the family or home environment.
Winds are prevailingly westerly.
His artistic concern is prevailingly that of communities and their dissolution, often relating to trauma, conflict and art as a redemptive proposition.