Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Price-wise we think are still very competitive in the market place over here.
In any case, it looks like price-wise the crude market will remain within the recent range here.
"If you go back to last Thursday the market has not gone anywhere, price-wise," he said.
This put his selection at the upper end, price-wise, of the available models.
Vendors did very well price-wise at the time, however she had the recipe to improve.
Theres a gateway to fit all of your needs, budget and price-wise.
"There's not a lot of difference price-wise" with the tariff included, he said.
So cotton will need to compete price-wise to buy back area.'
'But, unfortunately it's just out of our league price-wise - the costs really add up.
"They're finding that the completely finished apartment is out of sight, price-wise.
"My understanding was that they were very competitive price-wise in order to secure enterprise accounts," she said.
Be competitive price-wise, but find your niche and excel at it."
Due to limited supply they are very hard to find in the market and price-wise expensive but absolutely one of the very best.
But when I look at the stuff I’ve actually paid money for, the items are definitely more reasonable price-wise.
Price-wise it looks like at least a 50 per cent drop for the shooting stars of the contemporary art boom.
Mines in other countries couldn't have competed price-wise or with China's lax environmental and safety laws.
That would make domestic cars more attractive price-wise.
Converted papers, such as forms bond, have held well price-wise, mainly because so few mills produce them.
"Price-wise and size-wise it's the perfect Christmas gift," he said.
Production costs had been pared back to the bare minimum meaning there was nowhere left to go price-wise.
But if thermage is out of reach price-wise, patients can turn to preventative Botox.
"I think the story here is the company finally got down to the right place, price-wise," Mr. Robertson said.
"People were pushing the envelope price-wise," she said.
Thanks to the Internet and shopping comparison apps, price-wise shoppers are haggling.
Taxis are very common and relatively accessible price-wise.