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"They were a gift from the future," she said pridefully.
Carl pridefully buffed the thought with a smile and went about his business.
Tremble only if you build false accounts and stand pridefully upon them.
Some of us came pretty close," she said pridefully.
But Christine had a way of remaining within herself, pridefully still and controlled, that amazed him.
Rose's den at home has been filled pridefully with his extensive baseball memorabilia.
Bufo, in fact, pridefully admitted to having met the old man some years back on his way to market at Seaside.
Half pridefully, Paul thought: I cannot do the simplest thing without its becoming a legend.
The old man drew himself up to a pridefully arrogant stance, his expression contemptuous.
Felicia sat back and looked at her pridefully.
Natalia was still at work, pridefully and wisely declining to let nun support her.
The pain he had pridefully endured at his initiation to become a sergeant acolyte.
"Have my own controls here," he said pridefully.
His huge family is only beginning to crest, whereas Roosevelt's, he must pridefully have known, had already begun its dissipation.
Pridefully the three walked through the smoking portals.
"No Taardad left," Rhuarc put in, not pridefully but as a simple statement of fact.
"A man's got a right to pass on his name," Grandy Orville said pridefully.
"Gata didn't become interested in chess," Rustam said pridefully.
By their nature, they are risk takers, flouting conventional wisdom, pridefully standing apart from the mass of investors.
"Kit's always with the prince," Charlotte pridefully added.
John Thompson had not lied that bleak February day, when she laughed pridefully and shut the door in his face.
Quite a boy, Knight thought pridefully.
Enemies everywhere, lurking in shadows, or strutting pridefully in the open.
It is ingeniously and pridefully designed, with a frayed Persian carpet on the hardpan floor.
It's been a long time since the Stars and Stripes has been carried openly, pridefully, across these hills.