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It raised no voice against the primacy of the pope.
And Benedict has reinforced the primacy of the pope - an issue his predecessor had opened for debate.
Because of that schism the Orthodox no longer recognize the primacy of the pope.
They approved an act of union between the Churches, acknowledging the primacy of the popes.
Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (1537)
"It is impossible to recall peace without dissolving the cause of the schism- the primacy of the Pope exalting himself equal to God."
And be you all one mind to supplicate The Legate here for pardon, and acknowledge The primacy of the Pope?
They worship according to the Armenian Rite, but they have united with the Catholic Church under the primacy of the Pope.
Thus the primacy of the Pope remains an issue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches.
Throughout the Middle Ages, support for the primacy of the pope (spiritually and temporally) and his ability to speak authoritatively on matters of doctrine grew significantly.
These challenges developed into the movement called Protestantism, which repudiated the primacy of the pope, the role of tradition, the seven sacraments, and other doctrines and practices.
Marsilius of Padua and John of Jandun opposed the primacy of the pope.
The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope agrees that "ordination was nothing else than such a ratification" of local elections by the people.
Some Greek Catholics in Ukraine, Romania, Lebanon, and Syria, worship according to the Byzantine rite, but follow the primacy of the Pope.
His writings cover a vast range, including treatises on the planets, the power of the demons, history, homiletics, the works of St. Thomas Aquinas and the primacy of the popes.
Papal Primacy and the Universal Church: Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue V - This dialogue centered on the major theological issue of the primacy of the pope.
The Eastern Orthodox do not hold the primacy of the Pope of Rome over the Eastern church; they teach that the Pope of Rome is the first among equals.
Some of his letters have been preserved, while three further theological treatises, On the unleavened bread, On the Primacy of the Pope and On the Heavenly Beatitude, remain unpublished.
However, the Old Catholic Church recognizes the primacy of the Pope as first among equals, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of St. Peter, and Patriarch of the West.
With respect to Primacy of the Pope, the two churches agree that the Pope, as Bishop of Rome, has primacy although they continue to have different interpretations of what that primacy entails.
Melanchthon was asked to write a clear statement on the Papacy and this he did, a document that was adopted at the meeting as the Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope.
He rejected the doctrine of the priesthood of believers, he defended the hierarchical order of the Middle Ages and the primacy of the pope, though on these very points his differences with the representatives of the papal system were apparent.
Orthodox grievances against Rome are many - Archbishop Christodoulos plans to read some to the pope - ranging from the Crusaders' sacking of Constantinople in 1204 to Roman Catholic insistence on the primacy of the pope.
An early decree of this council, Haec Sancta, challenged the primacy of the pope, saying that councils represent the church, are imbued with their power directly by Christ, and are binding even for the pope in matters of faith.
Emser next, in 1521, published an attack on Luther's Appeal to the German Nobility, and eight works followed from his pen in the controversy, in which he defended the Roman doctrine of the Mass and the primacy of the pope.