Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We have long lives with ourselves as the primary cause of death.
In all cases, the primary cause of death was cardiovascular disease.
This is the primary cause of death among people who initially survive an explosion.
Not all attacks listed here were determined by medical authorities to be the primary cause of death.
For example, heart disease has been one of the primary causes of death among American adults.
Motor vehicle crashes remain the primary cause of death for adolescents.
Two of the 17 died, but the infection was not listed as the primary cause of death.
For those who do face emergencies on cruise ships, the primary cause of death is heart attacks.
His autopsy report suggested that the primary cause of death was pneumonia and heart failure.
Those eels were totally incidental to the primary cause of death.
"The primary cause of death has been determined to be asphyxiation," the Allies' statement said.
That is the thing you must bear in mind, these figures are for the primary cause of death, not the ultimate cause.
The primary causes of death were injury, infection and parasitic diseases.
The primary cause of death is usually respiratory insufficiency.
Today the primary causes of death are degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer and emphysema.
The primary cause of death would be asphyxia.
Coroners have never declared Tasers the primary cause of death in an autopsy, the company says.
This is the primary cause of death to Potter sequence infants secondary to renal failure.
In 188 skiing and snowboarding related deaths, 108 of these had head injury as the primary cause of death.
Smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires.
Their primary cause of death is from being run over by cars when attempting to cross over a busy highway to change habitats.
Primary causes of death were predation and infanticide.
The primary cause of death was asphyxia, with toxic levels of several prescription drugs a contributing factor.
It's just like the Brewers told us: 'Primary cause of death: septic shock, due to.
A primary cause of death was illness due to harsh camp conditions, with starvation-and its consequent illnesses-prevalent.