Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The set of limits based on human health is called primary standards.
A primary standard is usually under the jurisdiction of a national standards body.
A total of 14 atmospheric level primary standards were prepared from these two parents.
Scales are defined by a specific set of primary standards.
This is why an atomic beam can be used as a primary standard.
For each photometric system a set of primary standard stars is provided.
The primary standard we use is that athletes get their degrees."
Atomic clocks are primary standards, and their rate cannot be adjusted.
Some of the primary standards that focus on digital material are:
We use three types of cylinder for primary standards.
Primary standards protect public health by limiting the levels of contaminants in drinking water.
It is prepared using a standard substance, such as a primary standard.
Primary standards are defined via other quantities like length, mass and time.
The relation is measured and calibrated using primary standard candles.
Each character has a primary standard attack, which is generally forward-shooting bullets.
Secondary instruments must be calibrated against a primary standard.
"We completely refute the claim that primary standards have not risen across the board.
The transfer of traceability from the primary standards to secondary and working standards.
Some examples of primary standards according to the European Pharmacopoeia 5, ch.
Horse traders, grandmothers and some art historians use lineage as the primary standard for determining quality.
Because the scale is still based on the same 2006 primary standards, the scale has been renamed 2006A.
Primary standard treatment is a modified radical mastectomy with axillary dissection.
The Primary Standards themselves are only sparingly used, so that we can build up a calibration history for each of them over several decades.
Primary standards are used to calibrate other standards referred to as working standards.
A well-established approach denies that the public interest is the relevant standard, or at least the primary standard, by which company law should be assessed.