Tourism accounts directly or indirectly for more than half of GDP and is also the principal earner of foreign exchange in Antigua and Barbuda.
The only problem was that it left the country's tourism industry, one of the principal earners of foreign revenue, in some disarray.
Once the principal earner of the country's economy, the jute industry has suffered a decline in recent years due to low prices on the international market, leading to many jute plants shutting down.
Household incomes where the principal earner is under 25 fell by 19 percent in the decade ending in 1988.
By contrast, in the early 1970's most households had one adult (usually the wife) still at home, available to take a job and supplement family income if the principal earner's wages fell short.
It was, in fact, to be the last year that men like Derek would believe such a thing, because within a very short time virtually every coalmine in Britain would be closed, the men would be out of work and the women would become the principal earners in the home.
Earnings are augmented by allowances, such as allowances for those living outside their own country, those who are the principal earner in their household, those with children in full-time education, and those who are moving home.
The marriage was not conventional: Jelka was, at first, the principal earner; there were no children; and Delius was not a faithful husband.
Ten years earlier when she had been the okiya's principal earner, she probably could have accused me of anything she'd wanted.
Two-thirds of the 10.1 million directly affected workers are over age 20, often a family's principal earners, while one-third are teenagers.