Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
All their hard work and privations had been for nothing.
Those privations are already upon the land, and have been building for several years.
The young people themselves remember little or nothing of Soviet privations.
A right to life free from the privations of poverty.
Yet that search had led her into the privation of the moment.
Thus, denial of a state job is a serious privation.
"I can see that she has suffered privations on the way here."
The human cost was great for the population, because of the privations they endured.
"Your family was not always wealthy and you understand the privations of the poor."
After suffering much privation six of the nine men died.
History tells us a great deal about the privation of that winter, George.
It seems to be nothing more than a privation of both pain and pleasure.
The youngster and his mother went through several years of privation during the time from 1941-1944.
Worn out by privation and hard going, they drop behind.
What fresh dangers and privations did it have in mind?
But in the years ahead, another generation will grow up, ones who have not known privation.
He knew she was recovering from the privation of the camp.
He included the mass of the people in his writing and called on the poor union to move against privation.
You had to buy it, first in blood, privation, and suffering.
"I'm sure that there will be worse privations in store for me."
The privation and heat had been deadly for the working parties.
She could detect the sense of privation in his expression.
When we gathered to meet, everyone was experiencing the same privations.
She was running just ahead of him, so he could study the changes Mi in her that privation and hard living had brought about.
Here there can be nothing for me but Indians, hard work, privation, and trouble.