Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
It's also not probative of trying to get to the truth."
Again, standing alone this evidence is not probative of any discrimination in the local construction industry.
"All of this is not probative, and we know it," an official said.
Which potential physical evidence in this case would be of greatest probative value to the investigator?
The committee then said the entire diary "may be relevant and probative."
Those two categories would be allowed if the judge decided that they were probative and reliable.
Individuation, of course, has far more probative value than does identification.
The rules of evidence are loosened to that with "probative value to a reasonable person."
Some courts also use "probative similarity" to describe this standard.
The probative value of the evidence was said to outweigh its prejudicial effect.
When examining probative value several factors must be considered.
But under the president's order, all evidence that would "have probative value to a reasonable person" is to be considered by the tribunals.
According to the law, how evidence is gathered is more important than its actual probative value.
The study released here declared that "legitimate questions can be raised about each of these reasons, and their probative force."
They were only relevant if they had probative value related to the crime.
Immaterial refers to evidence that is probative, but not as to any fact material to the case.
This is not to say that petitioner's affidavits are without probative value.
The tape has little probative value and is unlikely to be used because prosecutors handed it to the defense only this week.
"Historical practice is probative of whether a procedural rule can be characterized as fundamental," he said.
If it is a very broad issue, then the threshold for probative value will very high.
The probative value of a credible witness is not a required element in any criminal case.
There was no probative value whatsoever in the inquiry that was being made by them.
The committee's judgment that the materials "may be relevant and probative" deserves the Senate's respect.
"The end result of the form will be less accurate and less probative information" retained in the data bank, he said.
This, he said, was "obvious, but is not probative."