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Develop and fund a process of national reconciliation.
Zeidan has listed his government's priorities as "security, defence, health, public services, the economy, and starting the process of national reconciliation."
It cannot be because this would be injurious to the process of national reconciliation in Chile.
It further urged them to complete the process of national reconciliation with a multi-party democracy and observe democratic principles.
"What we want to see is the people of Afghanistan, through a process of national reconciliation, take control of their own destiny."
The people of Liberia were urged to unite in the process of national reconciliation and reconstruction.
That requires a process of national reconciliation based on a credible plan for the transition to civilian rule and the release of all political prisoners.
A key to progress, he said, would be establishing a process of national reconciliation and putting an end to a climate of impunity and revenge.
"For any process of national reconciliation to succeed, the suffering of victims must be acknowledged and impunity tackled," the statement said.
Any serious plan to bring about political change in Burma will need to incorporate a timeframe which gives a clear perspective for the process of national reconciliation.
The High Representative has stressed that the issue of accountability should be seen as an essential part of the process of national reconciliation.
The EU has declared itself ready to actively support the process of national reconciliation in Burma/Myanmar.
I would like to call for the adoption of points seven and ten of the resolution, which appeal for a process of national reconciliation in that country.
Mr. Armacost said the United States also wanted the Soviet Union to "encourage a process of national reconciliation within Angola."
The common position on Burundi adopted in March 1995 expressed the EU's support for the process of national reconciliation and for dialogue between the local parties.
The junta has to understand that her release will serve the interests of the regime, as it has declared its desire to move on in the process of national reconciliation.
This is a fundamental first step in the process of national reconciliation that is required if the 2010 elections are to be able to be regarded as free, fair and credible.
It was noted that there had been significant advances in the process of national reconciliation, but there was concern at delays in fully implementing parts of the peace accords.
The Iraq Study Group report stressed that an oil law guaranteeing an equitable distribution of revenues was crucial to the process of national reconciliation, and thus to ending the war.
The law is also a crucial step in the process of national reconciliation, American and Iraqi officials said, because it sets out rules for the equitable distribution of the country's oil wealth.
States were also encouraged to provide more troops, equipment, money to the process of national reconciliation in Somalia and asked for support to strengthen UNOSUM II.
"Those who want to end the bitterness of the past have the way open through the process of national reconciliation, but those who choose bloodshed will find us ready to deal with them."
Charles E. Redman, the State Department spokesman, said the main purpose of his visit was "to focus attention on the need to promote a process of national reconciliation in Angola.
In other words, we are still ready to help to encourage a process of national reconciliation, but there must also be signs that such a reconciliation process is desired and pursued by all sides.
"We urge our Asean friends to use their unity to do all they can to strengthen the Prince's position as he seeks to advance the process of national reconciliation," Mr. Baker said.