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The procession was almost exactly the same as the one the day before.
The only bad moment in the procession came near its end.
Then came the problem of how to line them up in the procession.
As many 3 million people took a part in the procession.
He lead the college and school students procession against the Police force.
They all take to the road in a long procession.
He turned away, led the procession out of the room.
He got up and went out, a procession of one.
They have to be between 7 and 21 years old on the day of the procession.
After, on May 14 a small procession with many of the local high schools takes place.
It was a small procession for so great a matter.
After the religious service, the great procession takes place around the church.
It was like a procession of the dead coming through the water toward him.
Behind him was a procession no less great than that which had set out earlier.
This procession is similar to the one during which the body was taken to the church.
But they did not form up for the procession that should have come next.
Where this is not possible, the procession goes three times around the outside of the church building.
He had started in the middle of the procession and now the leaders were coming past him.
My section of the procession has but a little way to go.
On the third day out, another procession caught up with his own.
Then he asked after the procession, and learned what had happened about it.
Then suddenly he saw that the black procession was almost on him.
He gave the sign and the procession began to move.
There seemed to be a procession of people through the station.
It's me, he thought, as the procession went down the street.