Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And how prodigally he had spent them in the 23 wrenching songs before!
Time, for so long prodigally at his disposal, is no longer his friend.
At still other times, his tactics would be to scatter single chips prodigally and amazingly over the table.
Again the soul appeared as a vast store of the same coin shed prodigally upon the earth.
He spent his wealth prodigally in the service of the Queen and the Protestant cause.
When she gave she gave prodigally, with both hands.
He gave himself prodigally, and I don't think he was a hot fiend either.
An exceptional talent was burned prodigally to achieve perfection in the unexceptional.
She uses her powerful voice almost prodigally.
Mercifully, in my opinion, though Ahuitzotl was most annoyed, having paid so prodigally.
Two places were set, each with five different crystal glasses and old silver as prodigally used as the iron pickets outside.
It was expending its ephemeral energy prodigally.
O, no, sir gallant; you presume to have the start of us there, and that makes you offer so prodigally.
Such banal striving is most prodigally on display in the United States, where superficiality amounts to a national disease.
From the front door of 350 Fifth Avenue a red carpet had been prodigally flung down steps, across the sidewalk and into the gutter.
Picasso, prodigally gifted, constantly reinventing himself, is an exception in history, twisting popular expectations, making change seem like a virtue, as if art were fashion.
Of course the blood so prodigally wasted there would be stale, chill, clotting, well past its peak of flavor and nourishment.
Stan, then, was desperately short of power and had to use it in a gravitational field which was prodigally wasteful of it.
Even so, the Wagner administration was borrowing prodigally to cover a $92 million deficit from 1964 and a $256 million deficit for 1965.
The constellations are no longer geometrical diagrams so much as they are prodigally marshalling hosts, planets ablaze among them.
Trunks and chests and crocks and wardrobes of it, a lifetime's hoarded-up love prodigally distributed at last.
He glanced around: at the other priceless duplicates so prodigally present, at his own guns arrayed above the mantel and on each side of the fireplace.
Having been a neutral nation since the early 16th century, today it prodigally dispenses chocolates, army knives, cheeses full of holes, and chirruping clocks.
But in her case the powerfully driving ambition was thwarted, the tremendous pride rubbed raw, the fine intellect unused, the rich passion prodigally misspent.
She, in utter disregard of the amount of this income, lived in luxury, entertaining royally, and buying prodigally everything that pleased her fancy.