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Some say the federal test's proficiency level is set too high.
You must have a certain proficiency at dealing with women.
Or was he still talking about my proficiency in military matters?
But we need to spend with more proficiency and purpose.
But he used his eyes as well, and gained proficiency.
Professional working proficiency is the third level in the scale.
Other states must show that students are actually reaching proficiency.
About a third of the school's students had limited proficiency in English.
Pay attention to the suggested age range and to your child's proficiency.
They kept individual and unit training at a high level of proficiency.
However, out of these 8, 4 had a limited English proficiency.
One problem with current law is the 100 percent proficiency requirement for student groups by 2014.
You see, it's more than proficiency we're looking for this week.
In some schools, fewer than 25 percent of students pass the state high school proficiency test.
Did my proficiency have anything to do with this moving to a higher plane?
Schools have until 2014 for all students to reach the levels of proficiency that the states set.
We require that they have a proficiency with a gun.
All three companies provide assessments of students' foreign language proficiency.
Only one Proficiency can be put on a primary weapon.
But there was no time for all this technical proficiency.
If a person has achieved a certain amount of proficiency, anything will work.
Proficiency with the instrument is within reach of a 5-year-old.
This has created problems, he said, because many children have limited English proficiency.
And last year it had an 88 percent passing rate on the state high school proficiency test, three points above average.
We have students who are grouped together based on English proficiency.