Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He came to us when we had lost all hope of progeny.
The couple had seven children, two of which would have progeny.
Some of it has even been created by the progeny themselves.
They had five children, two of whom would have further progeny.
He did have eight of his progeny race without any great success.
But he loved his present progeny not the less for it.
In one form or another, their progeny are likely to be with us forever.
Some or all of her progeny have probably already been eaten.
After all, his hope of progeny had just been crushed.
These are men with no progeny and few real ancestors.
They even raised more than their share of successful summer progeny.
Her second marriage produced five children, three of which would have progeny.
The marriage was without progeny and he married again after her death.
"Do you think it's possible to be a great artist as the progeny of one?"
Will our progeny live on, while everyone else stays behind and does what?
How much progeny tax do you have saved up, Bob?
His progeny were ruling over 84 states during this period.
There are parents and their progeny that never exist together!
Structures are the progeny of the power that is in place.
He had survived three of his progeny; now the last one was dead.
For instance, Sam will never have another son, nor any more progeny.
"Only so far as any human might want progeny like himself.
After the 2011 season, a new system was designed as a way to keep track of the couple's entire progeny.
The reason behind this is that having progeny together does not make two individuals related.
Her progeny have won a combined five times in 33 starts.