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Even Beethoven is occasionally prosy, only no one will be courageous enough to admit it.
He was a deceptively prosy sort of writer.
Rachel is shackled with prosy monologues that should have been given visual form.
Until then, the doings have been awfully prosy.
But here, I'm becoming a prosy old bore.
"When we were ourselves young, we nodded over such prosy stuff for endless days, having nothing better to do.
Judith, sitting between the vet and a rather prosy elderly man who had little to say for himself, glanced round the big oval table.
It is as common as going to bed; it is almost prosy.
Between the slight chilliness of the room and the prosy act of getting dressed, his desire had left him.
I am a prosy old fellow.
I had studied law an entire week, and then given it up because it was so prosy and tiresome.
Existence will be a prosy affair.
We are ready to be cheered; but we should first give a prosy scowl and ask of this poetic flourish, Is it true?
A heavy foot scratched for the pedal, reached it, and the light flooded in; the flat light of a prosy sun.
The prosy man, having delivered himself of a lengthy speech about local weather, applied himself to his soup, and Judith did the same.
The main character in the book is Louise Harris, a plain but content young woman who leads a life of prosy luxury.
The house: in spite of its faery name, it was a solid, rather prosy building, rendered exotic only by being in the wrong country.
I append his document and apologize for his somewhat dry and prosy style.
"I have read somewhere," laughed Anne, "that the first child is a poem but the tenth is very prosy prose.
As a writer he combines a reasonably good ear for Southern idioms with a weakness for prosy exposition.
Flagg's lazy smiling face above a prosy blue-checked bathrobe.
'Well, then, draw that little table into this window, and let me get out of hearing of those prosy politics.'
It was dead boring, the debate on the floor "a dry and prosy chopping of very small logic into very small mincemeat."
On the other hand, in the realm of values, there would be an increasing intensity in the contest between prosy idealism and unbearable relativism.
It is couched in very plain, prosy language, but I think the deadpan tone is an oblique comment on the above.