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But the later work that they do have is protean stuff.
Truth and reality seemed to be protean on the plain.
The nation will certainly survive longer, as an enduring but Protean idea.
Just why has this notion of a protean self taken hold in society today?
This attitude may have come about because in them the mind, the consciousness, is protean.
Capitalism, however, is a protean form of economic life, already half a millennium old.
The "protean self" is not alone in the contemporary world.
Could they bring me the clause that provides for this sort of protean development?
As though one writer couldn't be protean enough to provide it all.
Clinton was, of course, more protean - or maybe the word is "contradictory."
It is another form of the same Protean problem.
Probably Washington will never completely relax its grip on so protean a technology.
Or was it rather their protean allure, so hard to put his finger on?
Despite its name, liberal Christianity has always been thoroughly protean.
It's a liberating time in the history of a protean nation, and also a conflicting one.
The main reason, she writes, has to do with the group's "remarkably protean nature."
But the history of this, perhaps the most protean, in its scale, of all my father's works, does not end here.
The landing area itself was in a protean mood.
The amount of work attributed to Shakespeare is far too small for such a protean genius.
It may be that to choose is to distort so protean an entity.
A little more than a century after they were invited, movies remain the most protean and surprising of the arts.
It changed with swift protean flow of outline, into a small, living animal.
In the 70's, 80's and 90's, poor minority neighborhoods throughout the country experienced a protean health crisis.
The performance was a series of wonderful protean transformations.
Utterances, on the other hand, are protean in character.