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Of course, the protest movement against the Iraq war is only five months old.
A lot of my older friends are very involved in the protest movement.
The protest movement was supported by students all over the country.
He also has plans for a book about protest movements through history.
All along, commercial life has been little affected by the protest movement.
The protest movement was certainly the biggest seen in France since 1968.
Solidarity was born as a protest movement, not a political party.
He also said that his party is no longer just a Western protest movement focused on local problems.
"This now could theoretically be used against any kind of protest movement."
As we have seen, the protest movement has taken on a European dimension.
Even if it lost the battle, though, the protest movement changed the country's image for good.
"Being part of the protest movement and then going back to normal life is odd."
"It's very moving to be here because you wonder where the protest movement is these days," she said.
But Ed won his place and found himself on the front line of the civil rights protest movement.
But this protest movement, which began three weeks ago, has been crucial for two reasons.
It is in the nature of protest movements to paint issues as black and white.
He said that, if the dam were not stopped, the protest movement would continue.
It may be the fastest-growing protest movement in American history.
If they send me something about a protest movement, I might not."
And there are public protest movements surrounding these issues that will go on no matter who is in the Government.
But she herself seems to have shied away from the protest movement.
He predicted the protest movement "will turn violent very soon".
It has also allowed democratic protest movements and free elections.
She has no experience in finance and said that the decision to leave the protest movement was painful.
But popularity has a history of killing American protest movements.